meta name="ethereum-dapp-url-bar-style" content="transparent">
And if you want to use Mist itself to navigate on your app, you can use the Mist.menu object:
for (item of propHistory) { if (item.length > 0 && item != 'null') { mist.menu.add( item ,{ name: item, position: n++, selected: item == proposal }, function(){ window.location.search = '?proposal=' + encodeURI(this.name); }); } }
One great thing about ethereum is that you can expand on this simple contract functionality without needing permission: you can add all extra functionality on separate contracts, keeping every single one of them simple and easier to debug. It also means other people can use the contracts you created to their own apps and give new functionality. Meanwhile, all the apps use the same data and backend.
You can play with this app live hosted on github pages, but this isn’t the canonical source of truth, just one of the many possible interfaces to it. The same app will also work as a local html file on your computer or on an IPFS network and in the future it will be downloaded directly via Mist using Swarm.
Some ideas on how you can try:
- Create a listing of currently available statements. Anyone can check them by seeing the sha3 of the proposal text, so you don’t need permission.
- Create threaded comments where users can reply to statements and then upvote or downvote them, sort of like a decentralized stake based Reddit
- Instead of (or in addition to) using ether balance, you can use some other ethereum token, like The DAO or Digix Gold to weight your questions differently. Since all that the original contract stores is the sender, you can check all balances. Or maybe you can create your own currency that is based on reputation, karma or some other way.
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