March 16, 2025

Update on the partnership between EF and UNICEF

Since 2019, we have supported UNICEF’s CryptoFund with recurring contributions, and we are excited about our most recent donation too. Today, I would like to share the story of our journey together, to recognize some of the achievements of our partnership, and to speak a bit more about what’s next. Why and how we started

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How The Merge Impacts Ethereum’s Application Layer

Ethereum’s transition to proof of stake — The Merge — is near: devnets are being stood up, specifications are being finalized and community outreach has begun in earnest. The Merge is designed to have minimal impact on how Ethereum operates for end users, smart contracts and dapps. That said, there are some minor changes worth

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Verkle tree structure | Ethereum Foundation Blog

A Verkle tree is a commitment scheme that works similar to a Merkle tree, but has much smaller witnesses. It works by replacing the hashes in a Merkle tree with a vector commitment, which makes wider branching factors more efficient. Thanks to Kevaundray Wedderburn for feedback on the post. Overview For details on how verkle

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Spotlight on Kenya: Microinsurance for Every Farmer

In Sub-Saharan Africa, only 3% of 48 million smallholder farmers are insured. Owning 1 acre of land and earning approximately $1.40 per person per day characterize a smallholder farmer. Smallholder farmers often own a mixture of cash crops and subsistence or non-commercial farming; and, they lack the financial and technological resources of large-scale industrial farms.

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Announcing the Client Incentive Program

Note: this post was updated on April 4, 2022 to include a full copy of the Client Incentive Program details. A diverse set of clients is key to the Ethereum network’s health and decentralization. Diversity ensures that innovation continues at the base layer of the protocol, that the network is resilient in the face of

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An update on Devcon 6, and something new…

It’s been a little while, and we’ve got some news. 👋 It’s happening! 👋 After being cooped up for the last years, it’s exciting to finally say that Devcon 6 will take place in the first half of Q4-2022 in Bogota, Colombia. We know that Devcon has a special spot in everyone’s heart (ours too!),

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Announcing the Kintsugi Merge Testnet

Since returning from the Amphora merge workshop, client teams have been hard at work implementing the latest versions of merge specifications and testing them on devnets. After four ephemeral devnets, Kintsugi 🍵, a longer-lived public testnet, is now live! Although client development and UX continue to be refined, we encourage the community to start using

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EF-Supported Teams: Research & Development Roundup

We all have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season, from the first birthday of the beacon chain, to the successful upgrades over the past year and the incredible progress across the entire Ethereum ecosystem. As a highly productive year draws to a close, there are a few final gifts to deliver in

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Announcing the KZG Ceremony | Ethereum Foundation Blog

High fees have made life difficult for travelers through these Dark Forests. The Pools of Mem once clouded, now clarified by the filter of 1559, reveal that they are not deep enough to sustain. Legends tell of a society flourishing under the abundance brought about by DankShard, of giant Roll-Ups subsisting on fields of nourishing

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The great renaming: what happened to Eth2?

Ethereum is a protocol undergoing significant changes. Client teams are upgrading the protocol to scale to meet global demand while improving security and decentralization. Beyond protocol development, a critical shift in Ethereum has been the movement away from ‘Eth1’ and ‘Eth2’ terminology. As of late 2021, core developers stopped using the terminology, preferring ‘execution layer’ and

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