March 16, 2025

Ask about Geth: Snapshot acceleration

*This is part #1 of a series where anyone can ask questions about Geth and I’ll attempt to answer the highest voted one each week with a mini writeup. This week’s highest voted question was: Could you share how the flat db structure is different from the legacy structure?* State in Ethereum Before diving into

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eth2 quick update no. 13

Testnets, testnets, testnets! tl;dr Medalla testnet Following the excellent stability of Altona and based on conversations with eth2 client teams, Medalla – the next multi-client testnet – will have a MIN_GENESIS_TIME of 1596546000 (or for those of you that don’t think in unix time — August 4th, 2020, 1pm UTC)! This is a major step

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eth2 validator launchpad ๐Ÿš€ | Ethereum Foundation Blog

After months of hard work from the eth2 research team, along with Consensys and DeepWork Studio, we’re happy to announce the release of the eth2 validator launchpad (testnet version). We’re releasing it now so that you can keep track of, and make deposits into, the upcoming Medalla multi-client testnet. But we’ll continue to fine-tune the

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The 1.x Files: GHOST in the Stack Machine

Ethereum can be simple enough to understand from a bird’s-eye view: Decentralized applications powered by the same sort of crypto-economic guarantees that underpin Bitcoin. But once you’ve zoomed in to, say, a street-level view, things get complicated rapidly. Even assuming one has a strong grasp on proof-of-work, it’s not immediately clear how that translates to

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Ethereum Translation Program: Milestone and Updates

Your browser does not support the video tag. Today weโ€™re excited to celebrate a huge milestone – now supports 30 languages! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Since we launched the Website Translation Program seven months ago, weโ€™ve seen how decentralized collaboration can result in a significant impact in the ecosystem, benefiting hundreds of thousands of community members around

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Ethereum turns 5 ๐ŸŽ‚ | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Five years ago today, Ethereum’s genesis block marked the official network launch. Today, most members of the community spend their time thinking about all of the work that’s left to be done, but it’s also important to recognize on this fifth anniversary of Ethereum’s launch just how unbelievably far we have all come, what a

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eth2 quick update no. 14

All eyes on Medalla testnet — genesis in less than 24 hours ๐Ÿ‘€ tl;dr Medalla testnet launches tomorrow ๐Ÿ… The minimum validator deposits (16k+ of them) required to kick off the Medalla testnet were met on Friday, which means the genesis of this testnet is set to happen at 1596546008 Unix time, or 8 seconds

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Development update #4 โ€“

Hey Ethereum community! It’s been a few months since our last update so it’s about time we let you know what’s been happening over at First up, we’re now using Gatsby Under the hood at we’ve switched from Vuepress to Gatsby. Now, this won’t be immediately obvious to anyone visiting the website but

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Announcing Devcon Improvement Proposals (DIPs)

Today, we (the Devcon organizing team) are excited to make public a new way to get involved in next yearโ€™s event, and one that should make Devcon an experience that better represents Ethereum as a whole. Devcon Improvement Proposals (DIPs) are a new tool to involve collaborative community input from across the ecosystem. They are

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ESP: Beyond Grants | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Since transitioning into the Ecosystem Support Program from EF Grants, weโ€™ve talked about defining โ€œsupportโ€ more comprehensively, thinking beyond simple grant funding. But what does a more comprehensive definition of support actually mean? In practice, it means something different for every project, and it starts with a conversation. ESP was conceived to make a wide

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