March 16, 2025

Update on the Vyper Compiler

The idea behind the Vyper Project was to develop something that was designed at the language level to naturally exhibit a high degree of safety. The project was originally authored by Vitalik as a proof-of-concept replacement for Serpent, its predecessor, but shortly after its creation Vyper found itself without a dedicated maintainer. Luckily, there were

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Validated, staking on eth2: #1 – Incentives

Thanks to Joseph Schweitzer and Danny Ryan for review. Welcome back! Having discussed eth2’s design philosophy last time, today’s focus is on eth2’s incentives through the lens of that philosophy. More specifically, we look at the incentives effecting eth2 and how they are realised in the form of rewards, penalties, and slashings. We then walk

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eth2 quick update no. 7

Welcome to the first eth2 quick update of 2020! This is going to be an exciting year. tldr; Release of v0.10.0 spec as stable target for multi-client testnets and security reviews @paulhauner and @sigp_io team hard at work building Lighthouse Relaunch of Prysm testnet, now with aggregators and mainnet configuration A new proposal for an

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The 1.x Files: January call digest

January 14th tl;dc (too long, didn’t call) Disclaimer: This is a digest of the topics discussed in the recurring Eth1.x research call, and doesn’t represent finalized plans or commitments to network upgrades. The main topics of this call were Rough data quantifying advantages of switching to a binary trie structure Transition strategies and potential challenges

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The 1.x Files: The Stateless Ethereum Tech Tree

I started to write a post that detailed a “roadmap” for Ethereum 1.x research and the path to stateless Ethereum, and realized that it’s not actually a roadmap at all —— at least not in the sense we’re used to seeing from something like a product or company. The 1.x team, although working toward a

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Solidity 0.6.x features: try/catch statement

The try/catch syntax introduced in 0.6.0 is arguably the biggest leap in error handling capabilities in Solidity, since reason strings for revert and require were released in v0.4.22. Both try and catch have been reserved keywords since v0.5.9 and now we can use them to handle failures in external function calls without rolling back the

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eth2 quick update no. 8

Keep it coming tldr; Runtime Verification audit and verification of deposit contract Runtime Verification recently completed their audit and formal verification of the eth2 deposit contract bytecode. This is a significant milestone bringing us closer to the eth2 Phase 0 mainnet. Now that this work is complete, I ask for review and comment by the

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Validated, staking on eth2: #2 – Two ghosts in a trench coat

Special thanks to Sacha Yves Saint-Leger & Danny Ryan for review. In this installment, we’ll discuss the consensus mechanisms behind eth2. Eth2 has a novel approach to deciding which block is the head of the chain, along with which blocks are and are not a part of the chain. By using a hybrid between the

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The 1.x Files: The State(lessness) of the Union

The next Stateless Ethereum research call is coming up in less than a week! The telegram chat now has hundreds of messages to catch up on, and only a small portion of the topics discussed have made it into the ethresearch forums. This post is just a quick primer… Source link

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The 1.x Files: February call digest

February 26th tl;dc (too long, didn’t call) Disclaimer: This is a digest of the topics discussed in the recurring Eth1.x research call, and doesn’t represent finalized plans or commitments to network upgrades. The main topics of this call were: The rough plan for the 1.x research summit in Paris following EthCC The Witness Format The

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