March 17, 2025

Microsoft to Sponsor Ethereum’s DEVCON1

London, United Kingdom, October 28th – Ethereum is happy to announce that Microsoft will sponsor and attend DΞVCON1, the premier Ethereum developer conference. Marley Gray, Director of Technology Strategy US Financial Services at Microsoft said, “Microsoft is excited to sponsor and attend Ethereum’s DevCon1. We find the Ethereum blockchain incredibly powerful and look forward to

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Ethereum Dev Update 2015 / Week 44

With DEVCON1 a mere week away, the teams are excited and preparing to share all the great tools and technology the ecosystem has to offer. There will be hundreds of developers and dozens of talks including Nick Szabo, Vitalik Buterin, and Marley Gray from Microsoft. Tickets are limited and we anticipate selling out, so if

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Stateful Turing-Complete Policies | Ethereum Foundation Blog

One of the major security challenges of the internet over the last twenty years has consistently been the rather simple problem of securing user accounts. Right now, users have accounts with hundreds of websites, and dozens of passwords, leading to large numbers of hacks as individual websites, often run by people not particularly skilled in

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Merkling in Ethereum | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Merkle trees are a fundamental part of what makes blockchains tick. Although it is definitely theoretically possible to make a blockchain without Merkle trees, simply by creating giant block headers that directly contain every transaction, doing so poses large scalability challenges that arguably puts the ability to trustlessly use blockchains out of the reach of

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Applications of Security Deposits and Prediction Markets You Might Not Have Thought About

Special thanks to Vlad Zamfir for his work in developing many of the ideas behind prediction markets for content curation. For the past six years, people have been searching to try to find those elusive applications of blockchain technology that could finally break out into the mainstream. For cryptocurrency, the applications are largely already known

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Ethereum in practice part 1: how to build your own cryptocurrency without touching a line of code

A lot of things have happened in the past few weeks in the Ethereum ecosystem, so many that it might be hard for a casual observer to understand where we are and what’s available out there. So I would like to use my first post here to give you an overview of the tools we’ve

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Ethereum in practice part 2: how to build a better democracy in under a 100 lines of code

This is a second post on a series on how to use the current Ethereum tools to build smart contracts without needing programming experience. Download the latest version of the Ethereum Wallet, read the first part and let’s have fun! Creating a token is fun, but what is the value of a token that doesn’t do

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Ethereum in practice part 3: how to build your own transparent bank on the blockchain

This is the third and final post on a series on how to use the Ethereum Wallet to create your own autonomous organisations. On the first post we detailed how to create a token, and on the second we shown how to generate a digital democracy controlled by these tokens. Now we will do the

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Understanding Serenity, Part I: Abstraction

Special thanks to Gavin Wood for prompting my interest into abstraction improvements, and Martin Becze, Vlad Zamfir and Dominic Williams for ongoing discussions. For a long time we have been public about our plans to continue improving the Ethereum protocol over time and our long development roadmap, learning from our mistakes that we either did

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Understanding Serenity, Part 2: Casper

Special thanks to Vlad Zamfir for introducing the idea of by-block consensus and convincing me of its merits, alongside many of the other core ideas of Casper, and to Vlad Zamfir and Greg Meredith for their continued work on the protocol In the last post in this series, we discussed one of the two flagship

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